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2025 Workplace Wellbeing Resources

The new year brings new resources to help you support your employees wellbeing. Engage, educate and empower your workforce with these helpful resources:

Employee Wellbeing Webinars:
Looking to have your employees learn about health topics such as heart health, diabetes, and diet trends? Each month, we’re hosting a wellbeing webinar featuring our internal experts such as Medical Directors, Registered Dieticians, Physical Therapists, Athletic Trainers and more.

We will kick off the monthly webinar series with "New Year, Well You" in January. Excellus BlueCross BlueShield’s Medical Director, Dr. Joseph DiPoala, M.D, will discuss how to set and stick to goals for the new year, how to build healthy habits, the importance of preventive care and more on Thursday, January 23 at 11:30 a.m.

You can promote the upcoming “New Year, Well You” webinar with employees by sharing the registration link below.

"New Year, Well You" - Webinar Registration


2025 Monthly Wellbeing Tip Calendar:
Plan ahead by reviewing our monthly wellbeing tip topics. The emailed wellbeing tips include newsletter content, challenges, flyers, and more. Not receiving the monthly tips? Reach out to your account manager or wellbeing engagement consultant today.

New* Each monthly tip will now include a Top 5 things to know resource and promotional flyer for the upcoming monthly wellbeing webinar to make it easy for you to share with employees.

Wellbeing Tip Calendar (PDF)


Additional Resources:
Access our full listing of Workplace Wellbeing Resources available on the employer portal. This includes our menu of fun, turn-key Healthy Habit Challenges you can run at your workplace, a guide for how to start a wellness committee, assessment tools to guide your wellness program, and more.

Workplace Wellbeing Resources


Season’s Greetings From Our Team To Yours

An Update On St. Joseph’s Health

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